In general, Corporate Social Responsibility or called Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is an action or concept carried out by the Company in the surrounding environment as a form of moral responsibility.
The purpose and objectives of CSR are because the Company is well aware that the environment and social community are a unity that has an engagement with the Company. Truelogs always carries out Corporate Social Responsibility activities in accordance with the principles of Sustainable Corporate Governance as a manifestation of the Company’s culture.
Truelogs realizes that the success of the Company’s business development needs to be achieved in a comprehensive and balanced manner. This achievement will be created when every aspect in the triple bottom line, namely profit, people, and planet is considered and achieved together without leaving any aspect.
The implementation of the Truelogs CSR program refers to the laws and regulations in Indonesia which regulate CSR in general and specifically regarding CSR, including article 74 of Law Number 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies (PT Law) and Government Regulation Number 47 of 2012 concerning Social Responsibility and the environment.